Bristol Trail Network

In 2017 a group of community members spearheaded by Bristol Recreation Club board member Porter Knight gathered to “Imagine a Trail.” The efforts of many resulted in the creation of The Bristol Trail Network (BTN), which now has 6 segments totaling approximately 2.7 miles.

The BTN has a threefold mission. First, as a project of the Bristol Recreation Club, the trail provides opportunity for outdoor recreation in Bristol. But the BTN also seeks to promote access to and appreciation for natural, historical, and cultural resources in the vicinity, for residents and visitors alike. We work closely with the Bristol Conservation Commission as well as the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources to ensure that our trails highlight and bring people to some of the amazing natural features in our community while also protecting and preserving the environment. Third, the BTN is a driver of economic development and community collaboration. Data indicate that trails increase property values, make a community a more desirable place to live, and attract to the area visitors who will shop and dine at local establishments. Further, the trail creates opportunities for exploration and appreciation of history, music, art, nature, and more. In these ways, the BTN fosters human connections within our community, ties us all more closely to our landscape, and enhances Bristol’s viability as an all-seasons destination for recreation and tourism.

If you would like to learn more about the trail or volunteer, contact Trail Coordinator Porter Knight to be added to our BTN mailing list.

Much of our trail is maintained by student interns. More information about being a BTN intern contact Trail Coordinator Porter Knight.

You can also support trail development in Bristol by donating to the Trail Fund. This fund is the source of our seed money to leverage grants and will ultimately be used as a long-term maintenance fund.

If you are moved to make a tax-deductible contribution, you can mail a check to:
Bristol Recreation Club, PO Box 411, Bristol VT 05443”
write “TRAIL FUND” in memo line).


Stories from the Trail

Can you share a story about your favorite Bristol Trail Network experience?

“Many stories, but what comes to mind is the time last summer when my husband and I attended the music on the trail concerts. I remember fondly listening to Va et Vient while sitting on the ground under the trees with a view of the Adirondacks in the background.” – Sarah Stott & Howard Jennings

“My grandsons, my husband and I often walk the trails, especially the part by the river. It’s just great to be able to experience  the river/wooded environment right here in Bristol. Essential really.” – Deb

“A Slow Birding class at the high school section really changed my appreciation of the trail by settling in to sit and observe quietly.” – Sally Burrell

“Walking the sections near the high school and behind the fire station with my great grandkids. We often do a scavenger hunt…..building great memories.” – Sharon D Compagna

“Thanksgiving day 2023, walking the riverbend trail with family. Warm sun straight on the hill, no leaves, ice starting to form on the edges of rocks in the river below. Grateful for the change in seasons, and the amazing opportunity to take a hike on the well designed, non-eroded, stabilized trail through multiple forest types. Going on the trail at south st. exiting up behind the fire station- we felt like we were in a different world, though we had walked from our house in town! We all appreciated that we didn’t need to use a car to arrive at a gorgeous spot in nature!” – Julie Almeter

How has the Bristol Trail Network added value to your life and/or the larger Bristol community? 

“A great place for a healthy hike close by. It’s enabled me to connect with people who  normally aren’t so communicative by walking in nature and beauty with them. Love learning about the history of our town. So great to see parts of our town and the river I wouldn’t see if the trail wasn’t there.” – Sarah Stott & Howard Jennings

It’s a place that I can walk to and from that gets me away from people and screens and my own problems and other distractions. When I’m on the BTN, it’s just nature and myself, and I find being on it to be a wonderful stress reliever,” – Anonymous

“It is in the top three things we love about Bristol. Having easy access to nature adds value to my life every day. It’s a community treasure.” – Anonymous

“We had extensive trails at our Huntington property, so the BTM quickly made us feel at home.” – Terry Ryan 

“Meeting and greeting neighbors along the trail. Looking at all that Mother Nature has given us.” – Bob Donnis

“The BTN is a fabulous recreational and exercise feature of living in Bristol. I’d like to express my thanks to those that put in all the hard work to make it happen.” – Carl Sword

Quotes From the Community

Our community engagement survey brought in many amazing stories and moments of appreciation for the trail. Here are some of our favorites!

Do you want to share your stories and help us gather data about the trail? Complete the form through the link below.