Outdoor Yoga

Yoga is an amazing way to stay active and connect with your mind and body. There are infinite ways and places to practice yoga varying from stretching on your living room floor to attending classes at a studio. One great way to spice up your yoga practice is taking it outside! Doing yoga outside is a great way to heighten your awareness of your environment and become more intune to your surroundings. Taking your practice into nature allows for a deeper level of connection with your environment, connecting mind, body, and the earth. Additionally, studies have shown that being in relaxing outdoor environments releases endorphins in the brain, allowing for even deeper relaxation.

This also poses an amazing opportunity to enjoy recreation opportunities in your local community, like the Bristol Trail Network. The scenic views and calming noises of the New Haven River create the ideal environment to practice yoga and meditation. The Basin Field at the Basin Street Trailhead is a great place to practice, featuring a flat grassy field and amazing views of the rolling hills.

We have included a gallery below highlighting some animal inspired poses that were used in a class held at the Basin Field!

One-legged King Pigeon

Reverse Pigeon Pose

Wide Legged Forward Pose

Camel Pose

Tree Pose